Tuesday, August 28, 2012


ERROR OF JUDGMENT on his part was the real cause of the untimely demise of the late Secretary Lobredo!
                Based on the information that were made public, it is very clear that few minutes after the plane left Mactan, Cebu  Airport, Secretary  Lobredo, his aide, the pilot and the student co- pilot knew that the Cessna plain was encountering trouble.  This is the reason why they informed Mactan Airport that they were returning. This was the reason why the staff of the late Secretary who was still in Cebu bought a plane ticket and booked his flight late in the afternoon on the secretary’s order..
                The plane  Captain Bahinting may had concealed the fact that  the Nepalese who serve as the main pilot that time is only  a student pilot  and that flight  will serve as additional flying time required of him to complete his schooling requirements. It was very deplorable that the Civil Aviation Authority in Mactan Airport authorized the flight carrying VIP passenger of the plane manned by a student pilot. This was clearly pointed-out by the father of the Nepalese student pilot.
The crisis situation that time demands fast assessment not only the pilots but of Secretary   Lobredo and his aide who served as his VIP Security. Why they did not pursue the plan to return Mactan?  Probably their judgments were erroneous.
Why they failed to wear life saving devices? A parachute and a life jacket in case they land on the sea. Why they are still locked with their seatbelts? Secretary Lobredo and his VIP security had enough time to assess, discuss and prepare for whatever eventuality. To the minimum, they should have worn the safety devices as earlier mentioned.  This time probably, the man known for his preference to use slippers may have not put off his shoes. His aid recounted his difficulty to take off his own shoes.
The VIP security of the late Secretary Lobredo deserves the highest punishment for his failure to secure the life of his boss. He was supposed to be in command in this situation. He should have assisted his VIP to prepare. But nothing was done despite of enough time available.
                Disembarking in the plane as it touches water was even taught to boy scouts and girl scouts. Secretary Lobredo’s chief security knows this because he successfully did it. This only shows gross neglect and failure to perform his function despite the ample time available.
                Secretary Lobredo likewise, clearly erred in his judgments of the real situation and failed to prepare for the worst eventuality. The pilot likewise did, but what can you expect from a student pilot?”.
                Secretary Mar Roxas should also explain why as DOTC secretary he failed to review existing system and administrative procedures in CAA office.  Unluckily his most loyal man in the Aquino administration died because of gross neglect at CAA , Mactan Airport.