Wednesday, February 2, 2011

DENR opens the 2011 National Search for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Schools

Prepared by:
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Region 6

The 2011 National Search for Sustainable and Eco-friendly Schools is now open. All interested schools may start submitting their school’s documentation of it eco-friendly program as advised by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources national and regional offices.

The Nationwide contest for eco-friendly schools program dubbed as “2011 National Search for Sustainable and Eco-friendly Schools” was launched as early as 2009 as a direct response to the Republic Act N0. 9512 also known as the Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 calling for the cooperation and participation of schools all throughout the country paving the way for the competition on 2011. This is the Philippine initiative in support to the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan.

According to DENR Secretary Ramon J. Paje, “We intend to have the awarding of the search next year (2011) instead of this year (2010) to allow more time to prepare and to enhance their existing eco-friendly programs. We are hoping to encourage more schools to participate and take part in heightening environmental awareness among our youth.”

Open to all elementary, high school and tertiary school levels, both public and private, the contest is intended to give schools the opportunity to highlight their achievements and emphasize their active involvement in dealing with environmental issues and concerns at the local level. It is also aimed to develop and enhance the knowledge, skills as well as the understanding of students, faculty and school administrators to device ways and means to respond to various environmental issues and increase community involvement in combating environmental problems.

The national search is a joint activity of the DENR through the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), the Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Smart Communications.

Participating schools must submit entries in three (3) hard copies to respective DepEd Division Offices for Elementary and High School categories. On the other hand, for College category, entries should be submitted to the nearest EMB Regional Office. The deadline for submission of entries is on April 29, 2011.

School entries should revolve around the theme, “Sustainable and Eco-friendly Initiatives.” Participating schools should include a brief description of the Project.

Entries will be rated according to the following: Environment-related Aspects of the School’s Policy (20 pts.); Environment-friendly School Operation and Presence of Environmental Programs (30 pts.); Environment-related Features of the School Curriculum (30 pts); Presence of Vibrant Eco-Organizations in Campus (10 pts) and Presence of Partners and Linkages in Environment Programs/Projects (10 pts). Only one entry per school will be accepted.

For the national level, prizes include College, High School and Elementary: P 50,000-1st Prize; P 40,000- 2nd Prize; P 30, 000-3rd Prize and plaques of recognition. For the regional level, a certificate of recognition and a prize in cheque of P10,000 will be given to regional winners for each category.

All winning entries for each of the three categories, together with selected entries will be displayed during the national awarding ceremonies in November 2011, coinciding with the National Environmental Awareness Month celebration.

For further details, please contact the Environmental Education and Information Division of the Environmental Management Bureau-DENR. Telefax (02) 9284674 or Tel.No. (02) 920225. Website: and . Or contact EMB Region 6 Office, Tel No. (033) 3379801.

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