Thursday, February 3, 2011



Section 1. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared to be the national policy to promote the quality of life of every Filipino through the provision of adequate social service including, but not limited to, the provision of adequate potable water supply made conveniently available to every barangay in the country.chan robles virtual law library

Sec. 2. Water Wells, Rainwater Collectors and Spring Development. — The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) shall, within thirty (30) days after the approval of this Act, undertake construction of water wells, rainwater collectors, development of springs and rehabilitation of existing water wells in all barangays in the Philippines in such number as may be needed and feasible, taking into consideration the population, hydrologic conditions, costs of project development and operations, financial and economic factors and institutional arrangements: Provided, however, That the DPWH shall deduct not more than five percent (5%) for supervision, engineering, technical and other overhead expenses or fees: Provided, further, That each barangay in the country shall have at least one additional potable water source. chan robles virtual law library

Sec. 3. Operation and Maintenance. — In order to ensure the proper use of the water facilities herein provided, a Barangay Waterworks and Sanitation Association, herein referred to as BWSA, shall be formed and organized for the purpose of maintaining the water facilities: Provided, That pending the organization of the BWSA, the water facilities shall be operated and maintained by the barangay council.

The BWSA shall be composed of the member-consumers who shall administer, operate and maintain the completed water facility and shall be registered with the corresponding municipal or city council. chan robles virtual law library

The BWSA may impose such minimal charges as may be necessary for the maintenance and normal repairs of said facility. Nothing herein shall prevent any resident of the locality from using the water facility under the same terms and conditions as the member-consumers of the BWSA.

Organizing and training the recipient communities in the operation and maintenance of water systems shall be conducted by the DPWH prior to the turnover of such facilities to the BWSA subject to the guidelines to be formulated by the Department. chan robles virtual law library

Sec. 4. Submission of Report. — The Department of Public Works and Highways shall, within ninety (90) days after the approval of this Act and every one hundred eighty (80) days thereafter, submit periodic reports to the respective Committees on Public Works and Highways of both Houses of the Congress of the Philippines for evaluation and consideration.chan robles virtual law library

Sec. 5. Funding. — The sum needed for the implementation of the construction, rehabilitation and repair program shall be taken from any available appropriations for the Department of Public Works and Highways in the General Appropriations Act for 1989: Provided, That funds for this purpose shall also be included in the General Appropriations Act for 1990 and 1991: Provided, further, That the total program shall be completed not later than June 30, 1991, and: Provided, finally, That there shall be equitable and proportionate appropriations of funds annually for this purpose for all provinces, cities and municipalities. In addition, a portion of financial grants and concessional loans extended to the Philippines by foreign governments and multilateral agencies every year, the amount to be determined by the President, shall be allocated by the Department of Budget and Management to augment the appropriations of the Department of Public Works and Highways until one hundred thousand (100,000) water wells, rainwater collectors, and springs are completed as envisioned in this Act.

Sec. 6. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect upon its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

Approved: March 17, 1989

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