Tuesday, February 8, 2011


As I listen to the small group discussion of members of the press here I could hear louder call than what they are talking of: The need to be one and the need to help one another to be able to advance their rights and uplift their kind of life. This louder call is being answered with Rommel Ynion investing his efforts, time and money for the Iloilo Press Club and the individual members. Danny Fajardo has the greatest efforts to bring the new developments into reality. Mr. Ynion has donated millions for the Iloilo Press Club building and soon the subdivision for the members.
However, legal questions still hounds in the mind of the individual members if the Iloilo Press Club is the duly organized, registered and existing under the laws of the country. The newly elected president, Rommel Ynion, I believe is in the right position and support to resolve the issue.  Where are the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws,  Certificate of Registration and Membership Book of the IPC? Under the law, the Secretary is the responsible officer to keep these. These will determine the legal status of IPC. In the absence of these, the Security and Exchange Commission can legally issue copies and certify if what  the current status of IPC. We have to determine if  the  past officers of IPC complied with or submitted the yearly Reportorial Requirements of the association to SEC? The annual reports include the updated list of officers and members, minutes of meetings, resolutions passed, and financial statement duly audited by a CPA.

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